Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012



Hydroponic Gardening

Compost Tea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=Uj4FL0u1wvg


How to make it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qk9oXPVR2Q&feature=related

Auaponic gardening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec4bZRhFEVg&feature=player_embedded#%21



Hydroponic seed starting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQL0MLvWwqE&feature=related

Hydroponic strawberries: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoX5pXbhMjw&feature=related

How to Build a Hydroponic Farm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uQ6Pc8YKr8&feature=related

Window Farms: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRr9pGmAbRc&feature=related


hydroponic tomatoes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsFO-RwVz7k

Hydroponic system: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zakVK6TUPJw





Hydroponic Tower Kit: https://livingtowers.towergarden.com/online-store/tower-garden-growing-system

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Potty Training



Training a puppy

Come: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8yy5fHRJAQ&list=PL227B442C22A6068C&index=4&feature=plpp_video




Leave it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVJiwa9LHiw&feature=autoplay&list=PL227B442C22A6068C&playnext=4

Sit: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL227B442C22A6068C&feature=plcp

(Lie) Down: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn_GEhid88Y&feature=BFa&list=PL227B442C22A6068C

Heel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHDqyp_5ydU&feature=autoplay&list=PL227B442C22A6068C&playnext=5





Improve your memory



Doctor Oz


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Because He Lives


How Great Thou Art


What a Friend we Have in Jesus


Trust and Obey


Daily Motivation and Inspiration


Radiation exposure in our life


Radio activity in the air we breath



Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Deer Hunting


In His Time


Open the Eyes of my Heart


Lead Me by Sanctu Real


I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin


Our God by Chris Tomlin


Poem on Sexual Healing


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Casting Crowns - Courageous


"I Will Run To You" Hillsong


Amazing Love


Michael W. Smith "Heart of Worship"


Ray Charles "I Can't Stop Loving You"


Louis Armstrong "What a Wonderful World"


Nat and Natalie Cole "Unforgetable"


Glenn Miller "A String of Pearls"


Glenn Miller "Moonlight Serenade"


Glen Miller


Stevie Wonder "I Just Call To Say I Love You"


"Let's Twist Again" Chubby Checker


"I Can See Now the Rain is Gone" Johnny Nash


"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"


"Stand By Me" by the Drifters


"I'll Be There" Michael Jackson as Jackson Five


Interpretation of "You Are Worthy" from a young person


Interpretation of "I Will Always Love You" from a young person


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Draw Me Close by Michael W. Smith

Here is a link.


Supplier of Whole Sale Organic Foods

Here is a link.



Here is the link.


Pruning Grape Vines



  • A standard 10-10-10 fertilizer can also be used, especially in the grape vine's first three years following planting. Sprinkle about 1/4 lb. of 10-10-10 in a circle about 1 1/2 feet away from the main stem after planting. In the second year, increase rate to 1 lb. and in the third year increase again to 1.5 lb.

When to Fertilize Grape Vines

  • Most growers fertilize their vines in the fall following the grape harvest. Grape vines can also be fertilized in the spring prior to bud break. Applications of fertilizer during the growing season are not recommended because it will cause the grape vines to grow vigorously. That in turn can produce inferior fruit and set the vines up for failure during the harsh winter months ahead.

Organic Gardening

 Natural Insecticide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttv7YFfMnRE

Mulching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6b1LZrx2sw&feature=relmfu

Composting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=AJuiNtXXB58

Vertical Gardening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlQaOsDZuBQ


Building a Raised Bed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPrMvItUIuQ

Angora Rabbits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Ba5e9qfiA

What to do if there is a real emergency.

Here are some links.







We all need sisters.

Here is the link.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Core Values, Attitude, Family, Friends

Here is the link.


How to set boundaries apporiatley?

Here is the link.


"You Complete Me"

Here is the link.


Raw Food Recipes

Here is the link.


What are women looking for in a man?

Here is a link.


Boundaries: "It's not Fair"

Here is the link.


Boundaries in Responsabilities

Here is the link.


Going Camping

Here is the link.


Bungee Jumping

Here is the link.


Men's Brains and Women's Brains

Here is the link.


What Christmas Means to Me

To me Christmas is not about presents and decorations. It’s about sharing love in different ways. When I was a young Christian of 18 years old, I started to go to a church where there was a young people’s group and they would go to a home after church service. At the time, I was living with my biological father because he was ill and I needed a new beginning in my life. I saw how they shared their home and love. I decided that when I would have a home, I would open my home to those who didn’t have a place to go. I still do.

Christmas to me is about making things for others. That’s my way of showing love to them. It’s about fellowship and relationships. I try to keep money not an issue. I try to spend the least money because we have five kids and I think when it’s something I make, they appreciate it more. Over the years, the things they have held on to were some clothes, or the things I’ve made for them. So, I continue in this way. 

This year, I photocopied a beat up recipe book that everyone loves in my family and is out of print. I photocopied it for them so they can all have a copy. I put it in protective sheets in a binder with their name in the back of the binder. I also bought some frames and put some encouraging verses in them. I’ll bake them some goodies and put them into a nice tin. Those are the types of things I give them. I’ve also done the Christmas socks. They all have one. Everyone contributes in them. They’re all little things we put in them but it’s fun.

Next year, I think I’m going to give them each a scrapbook of pictures of them. I was supposed to do that but didn’t have enough time. I’m planning to make each one a quilt with some of their pictures on them and place verses on them to when they get married. I like the traditional things. I think it’s important to make traditions for our own families.

When they were small, we used to make our Christmas decorations for two reasons; First, because they would break the nice stuff and because it was fun for them to make. Every year, we would add to them.

I have a friend, she gets her church to help get mitts, hats, scarves, socks and sandwiches with something hot to take and goes in the very poor areas and distributes them. The people got used to her and they know her. I’ve often had people who didn’t have a place to go as well. Now, my children bring their friends that don’t have a place to go home to and they come with us wherever we’re having Christmas. That to me is Christmas, sharing love in the way we can.

What are We Eating?

Here are the links.



Why Eating in Organic

Here is a link.


Organic Food vs Ordinary Food

Here is a link.



Here is a link.




Song: "Jesus Is Love"

Here is the link.


Song: "He Still Loves Me"

Here is the link.


Song: "Take the Wheel"

Her is the link.


Draw Me Close To You "Sax Solo"

Here is the link.


Song: "This Is The Stuff"

Here is the link.


Song: "Hold Me"

Here is the link.


Song: "The Way"

Here is the link.


Sovereignty of God

Here is a link.


Song in French "Mon Dieu est si Bon"

Here is the link/Voici le lien.


Power of Team Work

Here is a link on the work of team work.


Song "Canadian Please"

Here is a link of music


Does God exist?

Here is a link.



Here is a link on motherhood.



Here is a link about menopause.


The Difference Between a Green Juice and a Smoothy

Here is a link to the information.


Learning to Trust in God

No matter what happens in one’s life, when we know to whom we belong, when we know where our destination is, we do not need to fear. We need to depend on the One who wants to protect us, provide for us, guide us and have a personal relationship with us. He gives us true satisfaction and peace. We can only know that as we get to know Him through His Word.

Many have told me that He is not real and does not exist. It’s a person’s choice to believe. But when I look at nature or the birth of a child, how can we believe that all this came about on its own? I can only conclude that there is a Creator. History even talks of His life on earth. No one has done what He has done. He incarnated into mankind; He made miracles; He showed the way; He chose to die in my place. There is an empty tomb, not because someone stole it because He rose from the dead. If He created the universe, He can certainly rise from the dead.

Some people want to say He didn’t exist. Go ahead, it’s your choice, but as for me, I believe He is real because He has made a difference in my life. He gave me a spiritual rebirth. I was dead spiritually and now I live. He gave me real peace in my soul. Nothing I did gave me that. It only gave me dissatisfaction. Remember that song “I can get no satisfaction, and I try, and I try, and I try, and I try”... That’s right, try as much as you want, but only God can give you that peace, that satisfaction. No money, power, position, sex, person, ambition can give you that.

Learning to trust in His Son Jesus-Christ can bring me to God. He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.”  (John 14:6) Another verse says, “If you confess Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you fess and are saved.” (Romans 10: 9-10)

Man tries to reach God through their works, their efforts, their deeds, but the thing is because of our sinful nature, we cannot inherit the kingdom of God. That is why Jesus-Christ took our place. Isaiah 64:6 says “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags”. The only real reason why man doesn’t want to come to God ultimately is because of our pride. We have a choice. God is a gentleman. He lets us decide where we ultimately want to go. Do we want to be eternally with Him or without Him. If it’s with Him, then He decides the conditions on how to get there. He is after all God. We cannot put Him in a box and tell Him how we want to get there. It’s His paradise.

It doesn’t mean that once we accept Christ as Lord and Saviour that we will not have trials and struggles. But as they come, He will be there with us to guide us, protect us, and comfort us. Yes, some of our loved ones will die at one point, yes, disease may come, struggles will be there, but He gives us His Word to know how to go about those things.

We can come to Him with our sorrows, our hurts and struggles. Sometimes we need guidance, we need a job, we need His love, we need Him to help us in our loneliness, etc. He is there. As we get to know Him through His Word, He will comfort us. We need to know other children of God to have fellowship. All those things will help us to grow.

Some people say, there are a lot of hypocrites in the church. A church is a bit like a spiritual hospital. None of us are perfect and we all need some kind of healing from Him. But even if we all have our weaknesses, we can have the opportunity to show and share His love with one another as we obey His Word.

Is there some spiritual abuse in the church? It happens. That means I need to ask the Lord to guide me to know where I should go. I would need to go where the Word is not compromised. How would I know that? As I learn the Word of God, I’ll know if they are not being true to the Word.

Others have told me, I don’t need a crutch! Again, if you think you are perfect? I would say: Good for you! It’s your choice. I am a sinner saved by grace. I need His crutch. I’d rather get into Heaven limping than not go at all.

When I say these things it’s not because I’m upset. I’m not. But I do care! I care about your soul! That is why I take the time to share this with you so that you may know The Way, The Truth and The Life! Have a nice day and may God bless you!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Courtesy, have we lost it?

Courtesy is a concept that has emerged for the first time in the French royal court in the eleventh century, and which was intended to govern the conduct of love.

Today, it is rather related to an attitude, behavior, in short, a life skills plays an important role in social and professional life.

It is often compared to the politeness or simply of civility. Simple things like saying hello, thank you, give way, hold the door, offer assistance to a person who needs it in the subway, etc.. In short, simple things every day, no-cost and enjoy.

According to a survey conducted by the journalist I. Pauzé here is the list of the 10 attitudes that frustrate us the most:

• people who throw papers in the street;
• be following too closely in the car;
• those who smoke in non smoking areas;
• The telephone canvassing at the time of meals;
• pop-up ads (pop-up) on the Internet;
• people who pass you in the queue;
• people who make sites for people with disabilities;
• the ringing of phones at the movies or the theater;
• spam and junk mail (spam);
• employees who talk to each other rather than to serve you.

In 2007, Reader Digest conducted a survey on courtesy by using a simple series of three tests:

• follow a person in a public place and see if it keeps us at the door to go out;
• buy a trinket from a store and evaluate the courtesy of the person to the fund;
• give up "accidentally" the content of a binder in a busy area and see if anyone will stop to help.

Unfortunately, Quebec is not the champion of the category with a score of 65%. By cons, Montreal makes a spectacular recovery by obtaining a score of 68% (against 50% last year).

A little good will and demonstrate our citizenship! Why not be seduced a little? Accept for once to be a little vulnerable and let us use gentle and understanding of these men, who often would like to woo us, or just show us the kindness, which we too often refuse to keep our "independence" or  Women's pride  ... 

What is gallantry? Where does it come from? Its origin goes back to the time of the knights. Indeed, they had to show courage to defend the ideals that they believed, and therefore also defended women. Gallantry is thus synonymous with bravery, courage, chivalry, courtesy, respect, and so on.

Today, that might make a man to the ladies of our society in general! Here are some suggestions that many already know, but it would be useful to remember.

• Why not say hello to a girl or woman when you meet her?
• Open the door, including that of the car, and he give way.
• Walk on the side of the street to protect his girlfriend potential speeders.
• Compliment his girlfriend on her dress.
• Offer to bring its packages.
• Offer to take the bill from the restaurant.
• Have the conversation and be genuinely interested.
• Provide Flowers elected to his heart, but preferably at every opportunity. Why not a surprise bouquet?
• Stand behind the chair and move when the woman sits.
• Precede a woman down the stairs and follow it uphill to protect it if it should fall.
• To help a woman to put on his coat.
• After escorted, wait for it to be well into his building to leave.
• Everything she does fall, pick it up.
• Why not kiss the hand of your sweet? This may please him too, especially if it is the romantic genre.
• In transport, when you see a pregnant lady, an elderly woman or a person in trouble, you can assign your seat.

Above all, ladies, please, be grateful and say thank you! Allow a man to be a man and act like one. Do not hesitate to compliment or the actions he will to you! This will encourage him to continue with his fine gestures of gallantry...

Can nutrition make a difference?

The saying "we are what we eat" is not just a saying, it's a fact. Whatever we put in our mouth will either give us health or disease. Sometimes we think we are eating right, and unfortunately, we don't know what's in our food. It has been said that the average American eat one to two pounds of poison a year. Add this up and later we see the result. As we age, our body cannot handle the amount of toxins we ask it to get rid of.

There are many sights that talk about nutrition. It has been my experience that we need to be in tune with our body. We all have different weaknesses in our body. We need to know what they are and find out how we can best help our body to be the best it can be.

In today's world, food isn't just food anymore. It has gone through transgenic, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics depending on what we put into our mouth.