Sunday, January 8, 2012

Learning to Trust in God

No matter what happens in one’s life, when we know to whom we belong, when we know where our destination is, we do not need to fear. We need to depend on the One who wants to protect us, provide for us, guide us and have a personal relationship with us. He gives us true satisfaction and peace. We can only know that as we get to know Him through His Word.

Many have told me that He is not real and does not exist. It’s a person’s choice to believe. But when I look at nature or the birth of a child, how can we believe that all this came about on its own? I can only conclude that there is a Creator. History even talks of His life on earth. No one has done what He has done. He incarnated into mankind; He made miracles; He showed the way; He chose to die in my place. There is an empty tomb, not because someone stole it because He rose from the dead. If He created the universe, He can certainly rise from the dead.

Some people want to say He didn’t exist. Go ahead, it’s your choice, but as for me, I believe He is real because He has made a difference in my life. He gave me a spiritual rebirth. I was dead spiritually and now I live. He gave me real peace in my soul. Nothing I did gave me that. It only gave me dissatisfaction. Remember that song “I can get no satisfaction, and I try, and I try, and I try, and I try”... That’s right, try as much as you want, but only God can give you that peace, that satisfaction. No money, power, position, sex, person, ambition can give you that.

Learning to trust in His Son Jesus-Christ can bring me to God. He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.”  (John 14:6) Another verse says, “If you confess Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you fess and are saved.” (Romans 10: 9-10)

Man tries to reach God through their works, their efforts, their deeds, but the thing is because of our sinful nature, we cannot inherit the kingdom of God. That is why Jesus-Christ took our place. Isaiah 64:6 says “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags”. The only real reason why man doesn’t want to come to God ultimately is because of our pride. We have a choice. God is a gentleman. He lets us decide where we ultimately want to go. Do we want to be eternally with Him or without Him. If it’s with Him, then He decides the conditions on how to get there. He is after all God. We cannot put Him in a box and tell Him how we want to get there. It’s His paradise.

It doesn’t mean that once we accept Christ as Lord and Saviour that we will not have trials and struggles. But as they come, He will be there with us to guide us, protect us, and comfort us. Yes, some of our loved ones will die at one point, yes, disease may come, struggles will be there, but He gives us His Word to know how to go about those things.

We can come to Him with our sorrows, our hurts and struggles. Sometimes we need guidance, we need a job, we need His love, we need Him to help us in our loneliness, etc. He is there. As we get to know Him through His Word, He will comfort us. We need to know other children of God to have fellowship. All those things will help us to grow.

Some people say, there are a lot of hypocrites in the church. A church is a bit like a spiritual hospital. None of us are perfect and we all need some kind of healing from Him. But even if we all have our weaknesses, we can have the opportunity to show and share His love with one another as we obey His Word.

Is there some spiritual abuse in the church? It happens. That means I need to ask the Lord to guide me to know where I should go. I would need to go where the Word is not compromised. How would I know that? As I learn the Word of God, I’ll know if they are not being true to the Word.

Others have told me, I don’t need a crutch! Again, if you think you are perfect? I would say: Good for you! It’s your choice. I am a sinner saved by grace. I need His crutch. I’d rather get into Heaven limping than not go at all.

When I say these things it’s not because I’m upset. I’m not. But I do care! I care about your soul! That is why I take the time to share this with you so that you may know The Way, The Truth and The Life! Have a nice day and may God bless you!

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