Sunday, January 8, 2012

What Christmas Means to Me

To me Christmas is not about presents and decorations. It’s about sharing love in different ways. When I was a young Christian of 18 years old, I started to go to a church where there was a young people’s group and they would go to a home after church service. At the time, I was living with my biological father because he was ill and I needed a new beginning in my life. I saw how they shared their home and love. I decided that when I would have a home, I would open my home to those who didn’t have a place to go. I still do.

Christmas to me is about making things for others. That’s my way of showing love to them. It’s about fellowship and relationships. I try to keep money not an issue. I try to spend the least money because we have five kids and I think when it’s something I make, they appreciate it more. Over the years, the things they have held on to were some clothes, or the things I’ve made for them. So, I continue in this way. 

This year, I photocopied a beat up recipe book that everyone loves in my family and is out of print. I photocopied it for them so they can all have a copy. I put it in protective sheets in a binder with their name in the back of the binder. I also bought some frames and put some encouraging verses in them. I’ll bake them some goodies and put them into a nice tin. Those are the types of things I give them. I’ve also done the Christmas socks. They all have one. Everyone contributes in them. They’re all little things we put in them but it’s fun.

Next year, I think I’m going to give them each a scrapbook of pictures of them. I was supposed to do that but didn’t have enough time. I’m planning to make each one a quilt with some of their pictures on them and place verses on them to when they get married. I like the traditional things. I think it’s important to make traditions for our own families.

When they were small, we used to make our Christmas decorations for two reasons; First, because they would break the nice stuff and because it was fun for them to make. Every year, we would add to them.

I have a friend, she gets her church to help get mitts, hats, scarves, socks and sandwiches with something hot to take and goes in the very poor areas and distributes them. The people got used to her and they know her. I’ve often had people who didn’t have a place to go as well. Now, my children bring their friends that don’t have a place to go home to and they come with us wherever we’re having Christmas. That to me is Christmas, sharing love in the way we can.

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