Friday, January 6, 2012

Courtesy, have we lost it?

Courtesy is a concept that has emerged for the first time in the French royal court in the eleventh century, and which was intended to govern the conduct of love.

Today, it is rather related to an attitude, behavior, in short, a life skills plays an important role in social and professional life.

It is often compared to the politeness or simply of civility. Simple things like saying hello, thank you, give way, hold the door, offer assistance to a person who needs it in the subway, etc.. In short, simple things every day, no-cost and enjoy.

According to a survey conducted by the journalist I. Pauzé here is the list of the 10 attitudes that frustrate us the most:

• people who throw papers in the street;
• be following too closely in the car;
• those who smoke in non smoking areas;
• The telephone canvassing at the time of meals;
• pop-up ads (pop-up) on the Internet;
• people who pass you in the queue;
• people who make sites for people with disabilities;
• the ringing of phones at the movies or the theater;
• spam and junk mail (spam);
• employees who talk to each other rather than to serve you.

In 2007, Reader Digest conducted a survey on courtesy by using a simple series of three tests:

• follow a person in a public place and see if it keeps us at the door to go out;
• buy a trinket from a store and evaluate the courtesy of the person to the fund;
• give up "accidentally" the content of a binder in a busy area and see if anyone will stop to help.

Unfortunately, Quebec is not the champion of the category with a score of 65%. By cons, Montreal makes a spectacular recovery by obtaining a score of 68% (against 50% last year).

A little good will and demonstrate our citizenship! Why not be seduced a little? Accept for once to be a little vulnerable and let us use gentle and understanding of these men, who often would like to woo us, or just show us the kindness, which we too often refuse to keep our "independence" or  Women's pride  ... 

What is gallantry? Where does it come from? Its origin goes back to the time of the knights. Indeed, they had to show courage to defend the ideals that they believed, and therefore also defended women. Gallantry is thus synonymous with bravery, courage, chivalry, courtesy, respect, and so on.

Today, that might make a man to the ladies of our society in general! Here are some suggestions that many already know, but it would be useful to remember.

• Why not say hello to a girl or woman when you meet her?
• Open the door, including that of the car, and he give way.
• Walk on the side of the street to protect his girlfriend potential speeders.
• Compliment his girlfriend on her dress.
• Offer to bring its packages.
• Offer to take the bill from the restaurant.
• Have the conversation and be genuinely interested.
• Provide Flowers elected to his heart, but preferably at every opportunity. Why not a surprise bouquet?
• Stand behind the chair and move when the woman sits.
• Precede a woman down the stairs and follow it uphill to protect it if it should fall.
• To help a woman to put on his coat.
• After escorted, wait for it to be well into his building to leave.
• Everything she does fall, pick it up.
• Why not kiss the hand of your sweet? This may please him too, especially if it is the romantic genre.
• In transport, when you see a pregnant lady, an elderly woman or a person in trouble, you can assign your seat.

Above all, ladies, please, be grateful and say thank you! Allow a man to be a man and act like one. Do not hesitate to compliment or the actions he will to you! This will encourage him to continue with his fine gestures of gallantry...

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